Thursday, November 14, 2024
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Dr. Rohith P

Associate Professor In English

MA, M.Phil, PhD

Before joining School of Letters, MG University, He worked as assistant professor and associate professor in the department of English, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (Delhi University) for more than 13 years.

Areas of interest: Ecocriticism and Disability Studies

Published articles in both Malayalam and English

Presented papers in national and international conferences

Delivered invited lectures for FDPs and Capability Building Programmes for teachers

Delivered keynote lectures for seminars and workshops

Served as the Head of the department of English, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College from 01/04/2012 to 31/03/2014 and from 01/07/2020 to 31/03/2022. Organised the 100-hour add-on course “Effective Communication and Personality Development through Theatre (ECPDT) offered by Dept. of English, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College from 2014-2020 as the Coordinator.

Was part of syllabus revision committees for various UG courses of University of Delhi. Was member of the Governing Body of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (Delhi University), as teacher representative during 2015-16. Was also the member of Faculty of Arts University of Delhi during 2017-2018 to 2019-2020.


“Prakrithi, Vikasanam, Idathupaksham” (Nature, Development and the Left). Rev. of Environmentalism and the left by Archana Prasad, “Samakaalika Malayalam” volume 9, number 28, p 78, 2007.

“A New Notion of Space: Malayalam Novel in the Late 19th Century.” Tapasam. Vol 3: No 1, 2, p 204-214. 2007.

“People and Forest: An Eco-Social Reading of Kadamanitta’s Poems.” Ecological Criticism for our Times: Literature, Nature and Critical Inquiry. Eds. S. Murali shivaramakrishnan and ujjwal Jana, New Delhi: author’s press, 978-81-7243-588-3, pp 147-160 2011.

“The Artistic as the Scientific-Ecological: Malayalam Literature and the Silent Valley Movement”. Malayalam Literary Survey, Special Issue on Ecology and Malayalam Literature Vol 34, No 1-2 June 2014, 16-22

“‘Problem in ecology’ or ‘an ecological problem’: The Role of Human/Social Sciences in Environmental Education.” Proceedings of the National Conference on Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptations, Mitigation Scenario and Future Challenges in Indian Perspective, New Delhi, 2-3, March. Eds. Sachchidanand Tripathi, Rajkumari Sanayaima Devi, Sandeep Kumar and Virat Jolli. Published By: Department of Botany, DDU College (University of Delhi), New Delhi, 149-152. (ISBN: 978-93-5235-335-4)

“What’s Wrong with DoPT Model Roster? : Proposing A Just Alternative.” The Critical Mirror: आईनासचका – – June 19th, 2018 1-28

“The Idea of the Self in Frankenstein”.   Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies 2021 8 (63) 14730 -14739

Email ID:

PH: 9999724254